Apple Pay No Slam Dunk

Ultimately, though, even many of the skeptics about Apple Pay’s immediate adoption think it has great long-term potential. Tom Redd of SAP Global told Forbes that it’s easy to see why Apple will succeed. “Hey, the Millennials live by Apple, and if Apple says, ‘Do it,’ consider it done.”

Survey: Americans Need To Get More Financially Fit

It can often seem like there are a bewildering number of things to do in order to stay financially fit. Don’t borrow too much money. Create a budget and stick to it. Save for retirement. Squirrel away money for your children’s education. Now add this to the list of to do’s required in order to… Continue reading Survey: Americans Need To Get More Financially Fit

Insights Aplenty in Federal Reserve Payments Study

When most people think of the Federal Reserve – if they consider it at all – it’s when the Fed raises or lowers interest rates. But monetary policy is only one of the tasks the Fed engages in. It also conducts in-depth research in an effort to uncover trends and insights that can benefit consumers,… Continue reading Insights Aplenty in Federal Reserve Payments Study

U.S. Credit Card Security Outdated

Because around 80 countries have already embraced smart card technology, the more vulnerable U.S. has become the favorite target of identity thieves. Given that smart cards provide such superior security, the question is why the U.S. hasn’t embraced their use. According to O’Brien’s story, there has been no political pressure to force businesses and financial institutions to make the switch. Importantly, an upgrade to smart cards would be expensive.

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