Credit Card Breach Doesn’t Compel Action

Actually reviewing one’s credit report – an essential step after a data breach – not only occurred less than half the time among survey respondents, younger and older people were least likely to do it. Only one-third of those between the ages of 25 and 34 and just 40 percent of those 65 and older checked their credit report.

11 Ways to Raise Your Credit Score, Fast

While crash diets don’t usually work and can be unhealthy, it is possible to change your credit score fairly quickly. But just as with weight loss, “quickly” is a relative term. Seeing any improvement could take 30 to 60 days, according to Liz Weston, personal finance columnist and author of “Your Credit Score, Your Money & What’s At Stake.”

How To Use A Secured Card To Rebuild Your Credit

Who among us hasn’t needed a second chance? Or a first opportunity? For the millions of Americans who were battered by the Great Recession and came out of it with a tattered credit score, plus the legions of young people who haven’t had a chance to earn and spend money wisely, these are not abstract… Continue reading How To Use A Secured Card To Rebuild Your Credit

Beware The Prepaid Debit Card Trojan Horse

The use of prepaid debit cards for tax refunds hurts the poorest citizens  by Curtis Arnold It’s a cliché, but it bears remembering: if something sounds too good to be true, it probably is. And to be sure, the prepaid debit card industry has a long and ongoing legacy of hyperbole, with card issuers saying… Continue reading Beware The Prepaid Debit Card Trojan Horse

Prepaid Debit Card Reviews, Complaints, Etc